
First General Meeting, 
Hamdard Convention Centre, 
New Delhi 19 March 2006

Executive Council
Agenda/points of discussion
Working paper on Education 
Working paper on Economy 
Working paper on Women Welfare 
Working paper on Media 
Press reports 

Agenda /points of discussion

Report by the convenor:

1. Registration process completed. Reasons for delay. Non-cooperation of some members. Members should respond punctually and keep the head office informed of their email, telephone and address.

2. Tax-free etc registration in the process and make a few months time.

3. New office bearers are agreed last night.

4. Delhi Oct 04 general meeting report will be read by Br M Husain Zulqarnain

3. We now have some new members and special invitees while some have not been able to come or have lost interest for some reason or the other.

4. Most of the people on our emailing list do not respond. All members should open their Email accounts punctually and respond at once to mails.

5. HDI brochure was emailed late in Dec 05. Only few responses received. It is now ready [draft printing available] and will be printed within a few days after this meeting.

6. The website name has been registered www.hdi.in but it is under construction with only some material on it. Now that the brochure has been fianlised, the website too will be in place within weeks.

7. 17-21 Nov. 05 Jeddah meeting report verbally.

Budget / Reaction to my budget of 5-10-05 [below]

8. Consider future programmes and priorities.

9. Budget for the first year.

10. Office in Delhi to start with (small Delhi-based committee consiting of office bearers to take action and recruit people.

One MBA/one staff/one peon?

Minimum expenditure according to available budget? Should we rent a place or make do with present arrangements?

11. One office-assistant level employee [Nadeem Ahmad] already with us since June 05. Has done study of NGO laws/microcredit/some field surveys.

