
First General Meeting, 
Hamdard Convention Centre, 
New Delhi 19 March 2006

Executive Council
Agenda/points of discussion
Working paper on Education 
Working paper on Economy 
Working paper on Women Welfare 
Working paper on Media 
Press reports 

Working Paper on Economy

Dr. Rahmatullah

A community entrusted with the task of propagating good and forbidding evils must not afford to remain economically challenged. It has to become economically strong and convert into an upper hand. But this certainly is not an easy task, especially when the community is spread up over every nook and corner of this large country, lacks the urge to change, lags behind in education, suffers from thin resource base and over and above it lacks a strong visionary agency to focus exclusively on the economic issues and problems.

Let it be expected that HDI is the beginning to an end of all these weaknesses of our community. Let a reasonable target be set for the long run as below:

1. Every member of the community should rise above poverty line so as to

become a Zakat-payer.

2. Transform economic pursuits so as to fit into Shari'ah-compliant limit.

3. Establish economic institutions, which operate within the matrix of



And for the short-run use the existing resource base and utilize government funds in a manner that two 2 percent increase is realised in the following fields:

Level of community workers

Level of employment

Share of the community in the Indian trade, commerce and industry

Level of aggregate community income

The share of zakat amount in collective and organised effort

Use of Wakf properties for the economic upliftment of the community


The task ahead is gigantic and requires an agency like Planning Commission of India. But this is no good reason for despair and disappointment. For, every giant work starts with a humble beginning. Moreover, there are large number of NGOs already striving to achieve this end. The best course for HDI seems to focuss on capacity-building programmes of these NGOs which are thousands in number. Moreover, there is sufficient scope and space to launch direct work in view of the vastness of the area and diversions of the field and the sheer size of the community. Therefore, keeping in view the long-run and short-run objectives, following schemes seems suggestive:



This paper is prepared with a view to provide a base for discussion and formulation of yearly plan for HDI in its national workshop organised at Delhi on March,19, 2006


(A) Business and Employment Bureau (BEB)

HDI should establish BEB initially at its central office and go on expanding its network throughout the country as and when resources permit .The function of these centers should be,

Remove information gap from the employment and self-employment markets.

Counsel and guide unemployed people to both these sectors as per their abilities.

Arrange for their vocational education-cum-training to enhance their skills to become fit for either sector.

Arrange finance for their occupation who are unable to muster support from the existing avenues.

Publish small booklets to guide people to various opportunities available in the country and abroad.


Entrepreneurial Training Program

To enhance people's knowledge and skills to start cottage or small-scale industries, training programmes should be arranged with regular interval in collaboration with the Directorate of Small Scale Industries and Khadi and Village Industries Corporation.


Formation of Self-Help Groups

To empower women economically, the government has launched the formation of SHG. Women can be induced for thrift. Thereafter, formation of small groups of 15-20 persons can avail large grants from the government through nationalized banks. This scheme is basically designed for uneducated/semi-educated women. Micro credit scheme is gaining ground and giving encouraging results.


Government Grant Facilitators

HDI should arrange training for people to become fully conversant with various socio-economic and welfare schemes of the government. This group should acquire knowledge about the procedures of getting the grant and work as a link between applicants and sanctioning authorities. Special focus be placed on old-age pension, widow pension, marriage grants and unemployment allowance etc.


Training and Publication

According to NMDFC, there are over 80 government schemes for the uplift of minorities of which 80% are Muslims. HDI should, therefore, print literature on various schemes of the government and widely circulate it among the people in general and NGOs in particular. Literature should contain basic information about scheme prospective, beneficiaries and addresses of the offices to receive and submit applications. Electronic media should specially be used for dissemination of this information.


Establishment of a Multipurpose Cooperative Credit Society

With an initial capital of Rs 100 crore, a society under the Central Societies Act be launched with its headquarters at Delhi or Mumbai .The society should focus on basic banking functions, and avoid dealing with fields which are risky. This institution can play pivotal role in promotion of trade and industry and also education by providing educational infrastructure facility. Needless to say that this institution will help relieve people from interest-based transactions.



Extend cooperation to existing and ongoing works of focussed nature. Tehrik-e-Zakat,India, Micro–finance, Patna, Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India, www.login4job.com and vyaparindia.com may be a few among many such efforts being carried out at different part of the country.

Select a particular village, town or district for model work and strive to make the area economically self-sufficient. This selected district can be one among the 200 districts identified by the Central Government for removal of unemployment problem at present.




Details of government schemes can be had from

National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of India.

All State Minorities Development and Finance Corporations.

National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.

Central Wakf Council , Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.

Maulana Azad Education Foundation, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.

